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Messages - neubie

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: 49 Water Pump
« on: August 07, 2021, 08:39:46 PM » has water pumps available for your vehicle, MUCH cheaper than those available on eBay.

Lee - So glad that you're out and headed homeward!  Had us all VERY worried. 

General Discussion / Re: 2021 National Convention
« on: May 08, 2021, 01:02:07 AM »
Regarding the note that Bulletin Editor posted at the bottom of her post.... you do NOT need to be a member to attend any KFOCI Convention or Division/Regional meet. If you are a person on the planning committee of any of these meets, you need to be a KFOCI member to be covered by KFOCI insurance.  The general public attending would be covered for injuries, if any, by the insurance carried by the location that is providing lodging/accommodations for the meet.  - Mike Neubecker, President KFOCI

General Discussion / Re: Who is censoring this Forum ??????
« on: May 06, 2021, 11:08:36 PM »
The reason I asked the Webmaster to take down the previous post, is that our (KFOCI) main focus currently is the 2021 convention in Rochester NY, which to-date has very few registrations.  The post that was taken down specifically addressed the 2022 convention, NOT the 2021 convention.  The Midwest Division is currently working on preliminary details for 2022, but no dates, times, lodging or other things will be announced regarding the 2022 convention until later this fall when the 2021 convention is past.  The Midwest Division will be holding a meet in Jackson, MI in September (dates pending), at which time we will lay out a plan of actions/milestones regarding the 2022 convention.  I was quite concerned about the "we" in Lee's post, as again, the Midwest Division is working on this, not a collective "we", nor even KFOCI.  I would be absolutely awesome to have a great gathering of Darrin's in 2022, something I support Lee and the Darrin Registry Manager Phil Jelinek working towards with the 2022 committee later this fall.  But, it would also be awesome to have a great gathering of Darrin's in Rochester this coming July too.  The last "great gathering" of Darrins happened at a National Convention in Nashville more than 20 years ago, which had 43 Darrins in attendance.  I publicly apologize to Lee regarding the removal of his post without first discussing it with him and will strive to do better in the future.  - Mike Neubecker, President KFOCI 

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