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Messages - Grandpas car

Pages: [1]
Kaiser Forum / Re: Cooling system questions
« on: April 05, 2019, 11:42:01 PM »
Hello!! As my name suggests, I am in the midst of helping my dad restore Grandpa's 53 Manhattan. She needs a new water pump and I came across this post. I followed the link posted by Westmorland and the link still goes to a water pump. Before I pull the trigger I wanted to see if anyone had used this for their 53 Manhattan

"Finally, I'd like to buy another water pump and water pump gaskets, before I pull the water pump off, in case there's a problem there.  Would this be the right model to buy?"

General Discussion / Excited new Kaiser Owner
« on: May 17, 2018, 10:42:42 PM »
I am excited to be the owner of a 1953 Kaiser Manhattan.
My grandfather bought it new in 53. When he died in 1986 my uncle took over its' care.
I am now the keeper of this family heirloom.
It has been garaged for many, many years. I joined this forum to learn more about this wonderful car (and to look for parts as needed  :) )

Cheers from Vancouver Washington (although the car is in Montana for now)

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