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Messages - 51frazer

Pages: [1]
Modified Kaiser-Frazer & Willys Cars / Re: 230 Tornado/Continental
« on: April 12, 2020, 11:28:26 PM »
Anyone here have a clue on the motor mount situation? I'm thinking it would be the same or similar from what I've heard to the 226 since the flathead is considered a direct swap in jeeps?

Modified Kaiser-Frazer & Willys Cars / Re: 230 Tornado/Continental
« on: April 08, 2020, 11:51:37 PM »
Thanks, I've read online that the 226 was a direct bolt in on the jeeps, and some have said otherwise but it's not a very well known engine so that's understandable. I like the continental red seal engines and all, I had one in a mobile compressor that was great, however I've noticed it leaves a little to be desired in a car. Awhile back when I went to Kalamazoo MI for a Checker show I saw a few with the 226 L head, they were "A8's" only like 4 left in existence 6  :( . Also, in the Checker "A9's" I witnessed first hand the plain OHV 226, looked like somthing truly out of a tractor. Funny the 230 OHC and 226 OHV were made during the same time and had the same advertised power output.

Modified Kaiser-Frazer & Willys Cars / 230 Tornado/Continental
« on: April 08, 2020, 11:15:41 AM »
I've been reading up on the 230 Continental Willys OHV I6 as of lately as a possible engine to put in my 51 Frazer as it has no engine. I've worked on one recently in a 62 Jeep in my grandfather's shop and thought it was a great little six before I did my history reading. So from what I found it shares similar architecture with the 226, but I was wondering if anyone knew if it had the same bell housing ect as there is very little and often conflicting information online. Living in farm country it wouldn't be hard to find one of these hemispherical beasts. Any measments would also be appreciated as I neglected to think of it at the time. I did comment on a previous thread but more input would be appreciated.

Thank you

Kaiser Forum / Re: Tornado230 OHC engine
« on: April 05, 2020, 10:51:31 AM »
Well out of general interest I'm reviving this old thread. It's too bad that the 230 got such a bad reputation, looks like it did well in Brazil. Does anyone have a length of the engine? One would be cool in my 51 Frazer I'm restoring with no engine. Also I attached 2 pictures of the OHV 226 used by checker in the early 60s. (First post!)

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