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Messages - Frankie

Pages: [1]
Frazer Forum / Re: Research for 1947 Frazer
« on: July 22, 2009, 05:45:06 PM »
Thank you so much for the information!  I'm sure as the restoration progresses I'll have more research questions.

Frazer Forum / Research for 1947 Frazer
« on: July 18, 2009, 07:34:28 PM »

My husband and I recently bought a 1947 Graham Paige Frazer to restore with our boys.  We have made some progress but since we are now in the middle of Texas summer we have had to scale back the physical restoration and turn to research.

Part of that research involves finding out a little more about our car.  Specifically, we would like to know what all of the numbers mean on the identification plate (we have already submitted the information to the on-line registry).  The plate reads as follows:

Model = 47
Body = 5
Paint = 307
Trim = 105
TR = 1
RA = 1
DR = 1
CR = 4
Sched = 43
Item No = 224
Body Number = 5429

The serial number is F47-005407.

We don't know what RA and CR stand for.  I think I remember seeing somewhere that Sched and Item No have something to do with the actual day of production but if anyone can explain it I would greatly appreciate it.

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