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Messages - madedlon

Pages: [1]
Kaiser Forum / 1948 Kaiser in Raleigh, NC
« on: August 08, 2009, 07:31:37 PM »

This is my first note on the forum so I hope I'm not asking a stupid question. I recently became the proud owner of a 1948 Kaiser, which belonged to my father and his father before him. It was purchased new by my grandfather and has been in the family ever since and almost always garage kept.

The car has only been driven sporadically over the past 5 years or so, mostly due to fuel problems, garbage in the tank, fuel lines plugged up, that sort of thing. I had the tank removed and resealed on the inside and with my brother-in-laws help, we finally got it going. Right now, I can get the car started but after about 5 minutes of warming up, the engine makes a sound like popcorn popping. Its not like a backfire coming from the exhaust, but just a popping noise from the engine area. Another brother-in-law suggested I try Sea-Foam which he said would clean up the carburetor, but I'm hesitant to do so. Does anyone know of a good mechanic in the Raleigh, NC area that works on Kaisers or other old cars similar to it? My dad is 85 and has Alzheimer's, and I'd love to get the car working reliably enough to take him for a ride. We've both spent more money having the car towed home then we care to think about.


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