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Messages - jrd

Pages: [1]
Parts For Sale & Wanted / Re: What's an engine worth?
« on: December 04, 2009, 09:38:47 PM »
Yeah, I know about the tranny; it came off a studebaker hawk :)

I don't think we ever had the carb off, but who knows.

The engine was all there, and wasn't seized.  Like I said in the first post, there was corrosion in two cylinders.  We never took the pan off, so I don't know what the condition of the bottom end is.  It turned ok.

So, anybody interested?  If not here, any ideas on where else I should post it?  Should I just put it on ebay?  I have no use for it, and would prefer to see it go to somebody who can get something out of it, rather than just get hauled away for scrap.

Parts For Sale & Wanted / Re: What's an engine worth?
« on: December 04, 2009, 04:06:59 PM »
I took some pix.  I couldn't figure out how to post them, but you can see them at  Click on the thumbs to get bigger ones.

The data plate says it's a model 61226K, S/N 2145004.  "Kaiser Supersonic".

Hope that helps.

I'm in central mass.

Parts For Sale & Wanted / What's an engine worth?
« on: November 29, 2009, 06:18:49 PM »
Hi all.  I was rooting around in my mother's basement the other day, and found an engine for a Kaiser.  I'd completely forgotten it was there.

My brother and I found it years ago, in the remains of a crate in an old junkyard.  I believe it was new when it was abandoned, a lot of fresh-looking paint, and no sign it had been run.  It's a flathead six (I believe they all were?) painted sort of baby-blue.  We had the idea that it was for an early fifties car, but I don't really know.  It's set up for an automatic (flywheel is meant to have a torque converter bolted to it).

Unfortunately, it had been left out in the weather, two valves were open, so there's some corrosion in two cylinders.  Aside from that, I believe it's in ok condition.  It's been in a pretty dry basement for about 35 years.

I have no idea what the availability is on these things, but it seems like there can't be too many engines around for these cars.  Even if not runnable, perhaps it has some use as parts.

If this piece is worthwhile, I'll get some pictures and try to find a serial number.  Please PM me if you have an idea on value, or other info.  Thanks...

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