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Messages - Hallenti

Pages: [1]
I received the following very interesting information from Jack and wanted to post it here for everyone, as it is very interesting and informative:

"Let me start by pulling some numbers from Page 24 of the Kaiser-Frazer Corporation Operating Report for the 3 months ending March 31, 1949:
1.  As of March 31, 1949, the company built 11 convertibles;  1 was prior to 12/31/49.  Two more were built in January 1949, 6 were built in February 1949 and 2 more were built in March.
2.  As of December 31, 1948, the company produced 31,179 Kaiser Deluxe automobiles, all models; in January 1949 the company built 4,619 more Deluxe types including convertibles.
3.  Page 23 of the same operating report indicates that only 6 of the 11 convertibles built had been cleared as OK by final inspection as of March 31, 1949;  the difference in numbers suggests that the 5 not cleared were produced in February 1949.  Of the remaining 6, only 1 was cleared in January 1949, but the report shows 2 were OK'd during calendar year 1948.  There is no explanation in the report for the discrepancy between counts on this page and page 24.  My assumption is that one of the two January convertibles was built and run through Final Inspection at the beginning of the month.  This is plausible according to serial numbers (it would have been the 374th car built in January which indicates production during the first week of the month).
Kaiser Deluxe serial numbers started out K492-001001.   That makes the convertible the 31,553rd 1949 Kaiser Deluxe built.  Based on the factory figures, it would have been built in January 1949 and be one of 2 convertibles built that month.  Now for the kicker.  The following is a caption for a picture published in the February 11, 1949 issue of KAISER-FRAZER DEALER NEWS:
    Thwarting Souvenir Hunters was the job handed Ezra Kennedy, body shop mechanic at Washington Motors [the K-F distributor in Washington DC at that time-JM].  To make sure that no one made off with the special Inaugural license plates used on the K-F convertibles, he welded them to the brackets.  The car in this picture is Indian Ceramic with black leather trim.  Mechanics worked all night prior to the parade to put cars in top shape.
The caption for another picture indicates that Kaiser-Frazer supplied 1 Red, 1White and 1 Blue convertible for use in the Truman Inaugural.  Two of the cars were Kaisers, 1 was a Frazer (actual colors were Indian Ceramic, Polar Gray and Horizon Blue, with the Frazer painted Polar Gray).  Based on a date of January 20, 1949 and time required to release the car as OK at the factory, transport to Washington, etc, it seems likely that the convertible you have in the museum could have been the same car used in the parade, as there was only 1 convertible built prior to January 1, 1949 and only 2 cars were built in the entire month of January.     Because there is nothing that I have that identifies specific serial numbers I cannot be 100% positive, but it sure looks like it.
You might want to contact Jim Betts to see if he has an ORIGINAL of the DEALER NEWS issue noted above; mine is a place-holder photocopy.  You could scan the article and the pictures from the issue and use it for part of the display if you want to.
Jack Mueller"

I have been able to get the under-hood plate numbers and am posting them below as well as having sent them to Jack for him to look up the various bits of information they provide.  Some of the information appears columnar and the representation below (since this is a TrueType font) isn't accurate, but the version sent to Jack is correct.

Door tag:
Serial #:  K-942-032553

Under hood tag:
   492        2        300       2202     RT

1017  H4D

1 1               4           91           83

I have the door jam numbers from the 1949 Kaiser Dekuxe convertible in the LeMay collection.  Still waiting to get someone to open the hood for those engine plate numbers.  The door jam numbers are:  K-492-032553.  Does this give enough information for me to get details on this car?  Thanks in advance, Tim

On the original topic I started, I am stilling working with the Curator on the KF numbers from the various plates on the Museum vehicles, so I haven't forgotten about that - just hit a slowdown.  What with the new Museum ground breaking just announced yesterday, things have been a bit hectic at best.  I'd encourage you to follow this Museum link and check out the current collection and the plans for the new Museum.   

Please give the following link a try to see five shots of the LeMay Museum 1949 Kaiser Deluxe and the 1951 Frazer Vagabond.  I have additional shots if anyone is interested.  Tim

Thanks very much!  When I saw "attach" I assumed I could attach up to four files.  I will send them to you later tonight for hosting.  I appreciate that!   Tim

I have some photos available to upload to this post, but the size had to be very reduced to keep within the size/number of uploads per post limitation.  Also, when I attempt to upload, I receive a dialog box telling me the "upload directory not found".  I am wondering if I am not authorized to upload, being a new member?  Tim,

Kaiser Forum / Re: Information needed - 1949 Kaiser Deluxe convertible
« on: April 28, 2010, 05:06:38 PM »
My contact was able to verify the following for the 1949 Deluxe, the Vagabond, and part of the Darrin's numbers (which he'll check for me when he can):

"The 1949 Kaiser Deluxe Indian Ceramic has K492-032553 on its tag.  The 1951 Kaiser Vagabond's tag had been removed for some reason and had a Washington State replacement tag added in its place. However, I did find an old registration tag in the glove box and it had "F1006726" written on it - does that number make any sense?
As for the Darrin, the "196" portion of the VIN tells me, I think, that it was the 196th car made, which makes sense. The car was originally painted whatever they called their red, although it is now yellow."

I hope the above information makes sense and will provide some clues to the various cars that the Museum has.  Thank you, Tim

Kaiser Forum / Re: Information needed - 1949 Kaiser Deluxe convertible
« on: April 28, 2010, 02:01:14 PM »
My next trip out to the Museum will be this Sunday the 2nd and I will be sure to recheck it then.

Kaiser Forum / Re: Information needed - 1949 Kaiser Deluxe convertible
« on: April 28, 2010, 08:58:41 AM »
I have the door plate numbers from the Darrin (161-001196) and the Kaiser Deluxe convertible (K492032553) which I got from someone in the know at the LeMay Museum, but we'll verify these.  He did not have the engine compartment numbers handy.  Also, I'll get the Vagabond and Dragon numbers as well when I verify the other two.  I'd be very interested in knowing more about any/all that you have detailed information on.  Tim

Kaiser Forum / Re: Information needed - 1949 Kaiser Deluxe convertible
« on: April 27, 2010, 08:28:54 PM »
I am not sure whether I should describe the LeMay Museum within this post, or if there is somewhere else that would be preferred.  I am new to your forum and know that some forums have specific rules for what goes where.  So, if someone can steer me in the right direction, I'll be happy to describe it to you.  Tim

Kaiser Forum / Re: Information needed - 1949 Kaiser Deluxe convertible
« on: April 27, 2010, 09:19:13 AM »

All excellent ideas for sure.  I have easy access to the Vagabond and the Dragon, and the Darrin is located at Mrs. LeMay's residence, but I expect I can make arrangements to visit the Darrin there to get the plate information.  I'll see what I can do for this, and take some photos of the various examples and post them if you think that would be of interest.  Tim

Kaiser Forum / Re: Information needed - 1949 Kaiser Deluxe convertible
« on: April 27, 2010, 09:02:38 AM »

I sure appreciate this information!  It confirms some of what I knew, and adds some new information. This Sunday I will jot down the numbers from the door and engine compartment plates and post them or e-mail them to you.  I'd appreciate any information your records have about this specific car.  Thanks a lot, Tim

Kaiser Forum / Re: Information needed - 1949 Kaiser Deluxe convertible
« on: April 26, 2010, 06:21:38 PM »
Excellent information.  I will wait and see if he replies, but if not, I'll contact him and mention you suggested it.  I appreciate the help!  Tim

Kaiser Forum / Information needed - 1949 Kaiser Deluxe convertible
« on: April 26, 2010, 05:28:24 PM »
I am a docent at LeMay - America's Car Museum in Spanaway, WA, and I have always been intrigued with the 1949 Kaiser Deluxe convertible we have.  the information I have available is that there were less than 50 of these cars made, and only in 1949 and 1950.  It is painted in Indian Ceramic, and I am told there were 37 different paint colors offered for these cars, along with over 60 interior options (color, fabric, cloth/leather, etc.).  I am looking for factual and interesting information on these cars to give to people who come for tours.  Might you have any suggestions on where I might start?  We do have a write-up on the car, but I was looking for some additional information.  Thank you, Tim

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