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Messages - wegilman

Pages: [1]
Kaiser Forum / Re: Carter wgd999s carb
« on: March 06, 2011, 07:14:34 PM »
Thanks for your thoughts, fellows. I appreciate it.

I took carb apart, cleaned every passageway, took off fuel pump and found the bottom chamber full of black crud. I cleaned the chamber and screen. I drained gas tank and that gas was clean. I blew the gas line out with air and some black crud came out of it. Put it all back together and everything works fine now.

By the way, the car is for sale on Ebay if you or anyone you know is interested. Thanks.

Kaiser Forum / Carter wgd999s carb
« on: March 02, 2011, 10:18:37 AM »
Hi, I have a '53 Kaiser and after going down the road about 1/4 mile, the car bogs down and will only run giving it very little throttle. When I stop the car and let it idle, if I turn the throttle, it squirts gas out a small hole in the right side, between the float chamber and air horn opening. The hole is about 1/8" diameter and on an angle. I took the carb apart, cleaned passages with carb cleaner, and it still is doing the same thing. Is it possible that hole should have a plug like so many others on the carburetor? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.

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