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Messages - bigwingnut

Pages: [1]
Kaiser Forum / Re: 1950 Traveler
« on: June 05, 2012, 07:37:48 PM »
Maybe I'm just too dumb to attach a picture, I'll try to put the tag info in words (working from pictures That have spark plug wires in the way, not the actual car!)
Can't read Model code, but it's a Kaiser Traveler
Body 5
Paint 310
Trim 1514
The entries after the trim code are blank, except for "2" under "TR"
Then, in the next line under the entries for Trim and TR are the digits 10 135 393
Next there is a line that includes SL, Spec FO, AG, Sched, & Item NO, but no numbers for any of them.
Last line is Body Number 7858

The car is in Florahome, FL (between Jacksonville and Gainesville), but I'm in Spartanburg SC during the week.

Kaiser Forum / 1950 Traveler
« on: June 05, 2012, 12:47:48 PM »
I've got a '50 Traveler that I acquired a few years ago, and am now ready to start working on it.  I had hoped to get to Sweetwater this year, but it's beginning to look like that won't happen.  Can any of you folks post or email me some pictures of engine compartment and interior...correctly done?  My car has no door panels or carpet, and the front seat is a brocade while the back seat is vinyl.  Plus somebody tried to paint the engine compartment like a GM product, with semiflat black paint on eveything.  I'll go back to filling up the bullet holes (!) in the body 'til I figure out what the insides should look like!  Thanks!

Cars For Sale & Wanted / Re: Pre-Christmas Sale !!!!!
« on: December 19, 2011, 08:24:25 PM »
I may be getting excited for nothing, but do any of you folks know how to get in touch with Dave Hollen?  I know that Christmas messes things up, but I've emailed him and called him over the last couple of days about the 50 Traveler he's got, and haven't had a response.  I hope nothing has happened to him!

General Discussion / Manufacturing Fund
« on: June 17, 2011, 04:56:26 PM »
I just rejoined the club after letting my membership lapse for a few years 'cause I hadn't started working on my Kaiser yet.  Well, I've started on it, and have been seeing references to the "Manufacturing Fund".  I've tried both links on the home page (Manufacturing Fund & Order Form), and find nothing.  How do I find out what's available thru the fund, and place orders??  Thanks!

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