1953 ALLSTATE 4 w o/d and full wheel covers. Unlike Henry J ALLSTATE had a 4 cyl deluxe and it came with full discs!
The '52 Allstate sales folder shows the car with bumper guards but the '53 edition does not but the '53 salesmans data book lists and illustrates many accessories for the Allstate including radio and heater, oil filter, wheel discs, directional signals and non illustrated accessories such as rear seat radio speakers. windshield washers, glare proof rear view mirror, outside rear view mirrors, illuminated vanity mirrors, cigarette lighter, sealed beam spotlights, outside windshield visor, chrome exhaust deflectors, Allstate undercoating, and Allstate cleaning supplies. Perhaps some of these accessories were supplied by K-F but maybe not. Sears had a large line of auto accessories in the 1950's They do not list bumper guards as an accessory for 1953 and all of the illustrations show the full wheel covers. None of my literature mentions a deluxe four cylinder car but they do describe the four cylinder and the six. Every accessory that they had was available for either the four or the six. My '53 Willys has a NOS set of Allstate wide whitewall tires installed on it so I will put them on the Allstate where they really belong. Otherwise I will just clean it up and leave it original.