Just my two cents worth. This isn't about how KFOCI does, or doesn't do things. This is how we do things at our little Atlantic Canada Club of SDC. I'm the Secretary for the Club. We publish an Agenda for both the Executive and the Membership meeting, and other than the winter planning meeting, they are generally held the same day and in the same place. At the winter meeting, we take the afternoon and shoot ideas around, over coffee and tea and snacks. We usually have out winter meeting a week or so later, usually catered in a church hall. The AGM is held in February/March and is more formal.
We have a lot of meetings and get togethers each year--the AGM, a summer picnic (2 days) a Fall Tour (2 days) and also attend various different locations as a Club. So, we have a lot of meetings, and we also burn up the ether via Email. Three of the executive drive VW TDI so we are always exchanging tips too (ggg). Everything gets reported verbally at all meetings, including the results of all executive meetings, and gets electronically or paper published in our Newsletter, Stude News, six times a year. All membership is welcome to attend executive meetings as well, if they wish. The only things not added into the minutes are of course personalities and other subjective observations, but if there is an issue, it DOES get mentioned.
I just don't understand what the big hoo-haw is with the national of SDC (sometimes), and to an even greater extent (in my opinion) with the national of KFOCI, just not discussing things. Gosh! There seems to be a lot that is not discussed, especially with the membership. Roberts Rules should be followed, I agree, but not to the extent that nothing gets done at all.
Okay, I did say a little bit about KFOCI, but no complaints and no names