At present, there are some more detailed records available than at the time KFOCI HANDBOOK Version 4.0 went out in 2009: one reason the project went to CD was to make re-releasing the material as updates turned up easier and much less expensive. Between what was known already and the material that has good detail for Willow Run (and willow run ONLY) production through August 1952, we can identify over 88% of all cars built through the end of American Kaiser production. All that may be needed are the Operating Reports through December 31, 1952, December 31, 1953 and December 31, 1954 and we should be able to just about wrap things up as the reports not only detailed production (totals) by model year, make, series and model, but further broke out export production (which is very helpful when it comes to the Henry J) and production at other facilities (like Jackson MI).
The KFOCI Registry had a problem when started because nobody thought of it, apparently. What was mising was a STATUS column so people would know that the car (at time of report) was original excellent condition down to junkyard beyond hope. That and lack of detail off the tags in many cases (the blank spots on the line items) hasn't made things easy.