Jim, on the '53/'54 (and maybe the '52 Corsairs) there is a rubber "cover" that bolts to the frame to keep dust and other foreign matter out of the master cylinder / clutch pedal area. I used to always have to remove it on my '53 to fill the master cylinder. One bolt over a long metal retainer which bolted to the frame. As the years passed and it became more rotten and "crumbly" it would deteriorate each time I removed it till finally, there is nothing left but the bolt and the metal strip "bar", retainer... whatever, that held it to the frame. When we acquired Edgar's car, I see it is intact on there yet but appears the straight metal retainer is missing (you can see the mark on it and the hole where it was) and it reveals it is also fastened by the retainer that holds the harness for the dimmer switch wiring. I am going to remove it some time and use it for a pattern to make a new one for my '53 J as it's just a sheet of rubber. Now you've given me something else to fix this summer! I have looked through the '52/'53 Parts Book supplement but have not been able to find what it is or what it's called (the supplement is not illustrated). Closest I can find is "Baffle" part number 213742.
First picture is Edgar's car. The other two are of my blue '53 J when I was wiring the dimmer switch - you can see the remnants of it on the retainer and under the switch wiring retainer. OK, this is the year to find a sheet of rubber and make a new one! Likely what happen to yours Jim, is same as my '53, the rubber simply rotted away. Also looks like yours may have flipped around sideways.