to be clear..last year I sent a Registry instead of a Newsletter. I spent nearly 2 months calling, using Premium White Pages, and emailing those you had not confirmed ownership. I accomplished this so that the Registry would be as correct as possible. This was necessary to avoid unnecessary printing and mailing the Newsletters/Registries. This is what donations are used for. In past years, whenever I have done a mailing, I get 15+ returns by USPS for undeliverable mail. Even after my effort of last year, I got 12 returns! Chasing the proverbial tail. Since my requests of articles by owners to add to the Newsletter have gone unnoticed except for one (thanks T. Robinson), I am awaiting one from a non-owner that should be very interesting.
Weekly, I provide information to owners and prospective owners all over the world--behind the sceens to the causaul observer.
This year's Newsletter is in the works..published soon.
N.B. Registry is for Darrin owners who are in the Registry. So, HOA, who has elected to be a lone wolfe and not proved serial numbers or contact information, will not be receiving one. This is to protect current owners from unsolicited contact. Additionally, there have been some illegal activities with some serial numbered cars. Keeping track of the S/N's keeps everyone above board.