A lecture about HJ engines (1). The Willys/Jeep/HJ 134 4 cylinder started out in 1928 as the engine for the Willys Whippet. The intended market was the low priced segment which the Model T dominated. But just at that time Ford introduced the Model A, and the 134 wasn't particularly superior to Ford's new 4. Shortly, there was the Depression, Willys went into receivership and had to rely on their small cars to continue. So the 134 limped along. However in 1940, the military wanted a new small vehicle. This is quite a story in itself, but American Bantam came up with a design that was a winner - until Willys & Ford got copies of the blueprints through questionable means. Willys submitted a version using their 134 engine. The military gave Willys the contract and added Ford as a second supplier for insurance. Thus the fabled Willys MB and Ford GP came about (Ford made slightly more than 50% of the vehicles so the majority - by a hair - of the WWII 'Jeeps' were Fords. But to make an acceptable product, the 134 had to be improved, and Willys engineer Barney Roos put a lot of work into making the 134 as bullet proof as it could be.