I have to agree. For the rear deck script tapping on the pins on the back side is the best way. If your car has a trunk lid, it's quite easy. If not, you have to crawl inside and tap them. You can also gently pry if you know where the pins are but work each one a little at a time. Pot metal does not bend or give much so tap a bit on one pin, then move to the next and the next etc till you work it out. I think the hood script and dash scripts (if your J is a '51 it will not have glove box) have clips on the back which will need to be gently pryed off, again avoid bending at all costs. If you have them replated, be sure to let the plater know the hood script is supposed to be curved! I've heard of some metal shops just automatically flattening them out assuming the curve is a warp. It's not, it's suppose to be that way to follow the curvature of the hood. Good luck.