I borrowed one from local O'Rielly store, a couple of times...they had 2. Both same, yet one fit bolt circle better than other...mfgr. tolerances...had to work over holes with mill on 2nd one. Both worked. Be sure to lube threads and tip..Hammer for end helps, too... put alum block or 2nd hammer over end to hit...so hammer blow doesn't glance off hex on tool/dinging it up...
Added note:
Previous owner ground off the rivet heads, so drum could come off without removing the hub. Sort of handy. However, they didn't have way to hold it in place while install drum and wheel...could slip off alignment on nubs from rivets...those will bend drum if not in correct place..... I threaded a couple rivet nubs with 10-32, and installed button head screws to hold drum in right place when wheel is removed...
Bob L.