Author Topic: Won't Start - HELP!!!  (Read 5188 times)


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Won't Start - HELP!!!
« on: April 19, 2008, 05:38:33 PM »
Hey all, New to the K/F scene. Problem with my 49'. I replaced the plugs and wires byt she still won't fire. She's getting fuel. She was runnin when I parked her last fall. My brother says it might be the points.  I don't want to sound stupid but this is the first "OLD" car I've owned.  ???
So I'm kinda lost...............
« Last Edit: April 19, 2008, 06:21:40 PM by Frog »


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Re: Won't Start - HELP!!!
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2008, 12:41:21 AM »
Sounds like it could be points or timing. New points are available at NAPA stores. They have them listed under Kaiser (note whether you have Autolite or Delco distributor, I believe all Frazers where Autolite but I'm not positive).  Before replacing them you can take a look at he contacts on them and see if they're burned black or burned off (I've seen some where the contacts are burned off completely!).  If you remove them to scrape them clean it's is best to "jog" the engine around till the distributer cam has the points wide open - this way the gap can be reset easily when they're put back on, or if a new set is installed. Points going out is a very common problem, they're usually only good for 10,000 miles.  When they have set a few months, they can "glaze" over with corrosion so they no longer conduct when they close. Sand paper usually will not adequately clean them, most times you need to scrape the contact surfaces with a knife to get them clean. Timing would not change due to sitting. I'd say your brother is correct about the points, especially since the car ran when you put it in storage last fall. Note, don't mess with the timing unless you have tried the points and they don't fix it, and if you do be careful not to tighten the adjusting bolt too tight as the cast iron "ear" can break on the dist adjustment then you've got another problem!
« Last Edit: November 05, 2016, 03:41:06 PM by Fid »
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Re: Won't Start - HELP!!!
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2008, 01:30:03 AM »
THX, I'll try tomorrow to see if I can clean or have to replace the points. And I'll note my progress. :)


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Re: Won't Start - HELP!!!
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2008, 06:24:38 AM »
Verify that the plug wires are installed using the correct rotation of the engine. I installed new points, plugs, condensor, cap and rotor on my 51 Frazer. Set the point and plug gap to factory specs and the car wouldn't run. It would pop through the intake, then trough the exhaust.

I had my daughter come out and crank the engine over and saw which direction the cap was turning inside the distributor and re-installed the wires going the CORRECT way this time. She fired right up and purred like a 57 year old kitten!!!  LOL

Hope that this helps a little.
