The gasket on my fuel gauge sending unit has failed on my 49 Frazer. I've removed the sending unit to install a new gasket. I discovered that it has an earlier sending unit, a 47/48 part number 200468 instead of the 205507 that shows in the parts book. It seems to work okay, so that is not the issue. I intend to reinstall it. However, when I was cleaning it up, I noticed gas dripping out of it from the underside. The underside of the unit that faces down into the tank has a rounded bulge that protrudes down inside the tank. Attached to the side of this bulge is the pivoting arm with float. On bottom of this bulge is a small rivet head. This rivet has a tiny bit of movement when you touch it, and it is from this rivet/hole that the gas drips from. In other words, there is gasoline inside this lower bulge. I know little to nothing about how these things work, but I think that inside there are electrical parts that the gasoline might be in contact with. Seems like a recipe for disaster........ gasoline and electricity coming together?! So here's the question. Is it okay for gasoline to be inside the bottom bulge of this unit?
? Your expert advice is appreciated. Thank you, Jim