Author Topic: Kaiser Parts and interchange 7Source  (Read 696 times)


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Kaiser Parts and interchange 7Source
« on: April 13, 2019, 09:45:29 PM »
To all  members that have purchased  "The Catalog listing  Vendor availability and N.A.P.A for K.F.H. in the PARTS INTERCHANGE & SOURCES  CATALOG, THINGS CHANGED WITH THE LISTING. they are as follows   ( NAPA parts for the most party are in limited supply but can be located "IF the clerk has the want "         most are  not being that helpful  if  you have the NAPA part number they do have the information in that computer as to which store and distribution center   that part is available and how many also what it will cost to have it shipped to your store. the  CORNING CALIFORNIA store that used to help a caller  find and drop that shipment to  your home is under new management and the small group that did that service  has been eliminated. If there   were enough members interested I would update the catalog, but keep in mind publishing and printing used to cost $150.00 per year and i'm 89 years old.  Thanks Richard E# 3719