Author Topic: A tale of two Manhattans, and one first-time Kaiser owner...  (Read 4809 times)


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A tale of two Manhattans, and one first-time Kaiser owner...
« on: November 12, 2019, 10:31:11 PM »
Hello there, fine folks!

Well, everyone makes a first post at some point, and this is mine. I have just joined the Kaiser world for the first time, having purchased a pair of 1953 Manhattans. In a nutshell, an older fellow who hoarded vehicles(among other things!) passed away, leaving behind at least a couple dozen vintage cars. Among them were these two Manhattans. I actually went to check out another vehicle they were selling from his estate, but that one didn't work out. These cars caught my attention however, and the price was right, so I jumped in!

As the story goes, the better condition of these two cars has been parked and hasn't run since 1970. It appears quite solid in terms of body, having no cancerous rust that I can find anywhere. Unfortunately it does have some key issues, namely needing a new windshield and taillights, which I know will not be easy to find for this car. The windshields, headlights and taillights were recently shot out by kids with BB guns(among many, many pieces of glass on the various other cars that were left behind as well). Obviously the car will need much more work than just those bits, but by my estimation, those will be the two most difficult things to find that will actually prevent me from safely and legally driving it once I get it roadworthy.

The good news is that I believe the engine will run again. The engine in the better of the two cars turned easily using just an 8" ratchet, so that is very encouraging. Another fellow who purchased several other cars from this estate has already gotten some of his cars running that were similarly stored, so that gives me encouragement that this one was also a runner when it was parked, and that the conditions were such that the cylinders and whatnot have not suffered much if any rust. So my first step will be to carefully go through the steps to resurrect the engine. I am a professional classic car mechanic by trade, and have revived many an old engine after decades-long slumber parties, so this is old hat for me. I have always loved bringing back old engines from the dead.

The better condition of the two cars is a three speed manual, but the other car(which I will refer to as a parts car, as it is indeed quite rough) has an automatic. I am not yet sure what fate will become of the second car, but it is likely too rough to be worth restoring, so odds are I will part it out. However, my goal for the better of the two cars is to see if I can get it running first, then sort out the brake hydraulics and whatnot to make it safely mobile, then tires, with the hope of eventually putting it on the road.

I have already perused your forum extensively in the last few weeks, and will surely have many questions, parts requests and more info about my cars as I delve into the world of the Kaiser for the first time. I've had more than 50 cars previous to these, primarily pre-smog full size cars from the Big Three, so it will be interesting to dig into something decidedly different and unique for a change.

I'm excited, especially considering there appears to be a thriving enthusiast community for these cars. Wish me luck!


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Re: A tale of two Manhattans, and one first-time Kaiser owner...
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2019, 10:37:16 PM »
Here are a few pictures of the two cars...

The better of the two:


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Re: A tale of two Manhattans, and one first-time Kaiser owner...
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2019, 10:42:13 PM »
And the parts car:


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Re: A tale of two Manhattans, and one first-time Kaiser owner...
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2019, 07:12:29 AM »
Thank you for purchasing these cars. And sharing your purchase story.
No old cars owned.


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Re: A tale of two Manhattans, and one first-time Kaiser owner...
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2019, 09:37:17 AM »
Windshields and gaskets are available thru the KF club’s manufacturing fund. Tail light lenses appear on eBay frequently and are also available from a couple of club vendors.

Looks like you have a good solid project car. Keep us up to date with your progress!


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Re: A tale of two Manhattans, and one first-time Kaiser owner...
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2019, 01:05:20 PM »
Welcome to the  Kaiser-Frazer community.  You will find much help and encouragement among us and this forum is just a sampling of what is available in club membership.  You can get a roster that can find members near you and publications to help find articles on club and company history, sources for parts and friends and fellowship not available anywhere else.  Good luck with your restoration.  It will be a beautiful car.
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Re: A tale of two Manhattans, and one first-time Kaiser owner...
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2019, 11:23:27 PM »
The parts car really doesn't look all that bad.

Bob G

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Re: A tale of two Manhattans, and one first-time Kaiser owner...
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2019, 03:47:11 PM »
It is great to see two cars saved and one targeted for restoration! Good luck.
'54 Kaiser Special
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Re: A tale of two Manhattans, and one first-time Kaiser owner...
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2019, 03:05:16 AM »
So, a minor update on my journey here.. I've been busier than usual for this time of year, but finally had the opportunity between weather and work to pick up the second Manhattan and bring it home. Digging this one out of the mud and loading it on the trailer was much more of a hassle than the first one, due to the poor condition of the tires and where/how it was parked. It was on the crest of a small mound of dirt, basically high-centered up to the frame in dirt, so it took a good bit of careful lifting and blocking to finally get it up high enough to get some roller wheels on. It was at that point that I discovered something I wasn't expecting: Due to the fact that this car has wheel bolts rather than lug nuts and studs, it also has a centering pin on each hub, and the factory wheels have holes to accommodate this pin. Well, my roller wheels that I brought along were sourced from a '70s Dodge Challenger and had no such holes, so before I could install them I had to drill a hole in each wheel. Thankfully I brought my whole Makita kit with drill bits and a center punch with me! I picked up the roller wheels specifically for this task, so I wasn't worried about drilling holes in them. But as you can see, at the end of the day I got it safely loaded and got it home! Now that I have both cars here, I'm hoping to get some time in the foreseeable future to start digging into them. First thing on the agenda is to have the ancient tires removed from these wheels, get them cleaned up and install some decent rollers for now, so I'll have rollers on both cars. Then I can easily roll them over to my garage to get started working on them. Will hopefully update again soon with progress!

« Last Edit: December 14, 2019, 03:07:43 AM by ForgottenTwoManhattans »


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Re: A tale of two Manhattans, and one first-time Kaiser owner...
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2020, 11:21:07 AM »
So, for some reason when I try to upload picture attachments, it won't let me post them. It seems to upload for a bit, then just goes to a blank page. Guess I'll have to sort that out somehow.

In the meantime, I finally got a chance to get started on one of the Manhattans. I pulled the engine out of the first one, went through a routine where I drained the old oil, refilled with fresh oil and Marvel Mystery oil, pre-oiled it with a pressure bleeder, turned the crank by hand for several revolutions to make sure there were no issues, then finally cranked it with the starter. When I felt all was in order, I applied power to the coil and fired it up using aerosol brake cleaner. She runs! No smoke, good oil pressure - I'm impressed!

Here's a short video of the first startup in nearly 50 years:


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Re: A tale of two Manhattans, and one first-time Kaiser owner...
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2020, 11:23:00 AM »
So as you can see, she's quite a mess.. lots of critters spent lots of years living in, on and around this car, so it's going to take some serious cleanup. That's why I elected to pull the engine/trans out first before getting it running. Didn't really want to work around all the critter mess!

So, as you can see by the firewall picture, the engine had already been out once before. I have no idea what the story is on that. When I eventually tear the engine down for gaskets and seals, I'm hoping I will find out.

Also, the oil that was in the engine was in surprisingly good condition. It smelled old, but did not have the typical varnished old fuel smell that I typically find in engines that have been sitting for decades. It had a noticeable greenish-blue tint to it, and I found no sludge in the filter housing. Also found no filter, which was interesting. There were also numerous things disconnected underhood, like the lower radiator hose and fuel line to the carb. Makes me wonder if maybe this engine was pulled decades ago for a refresh, reinstalled but never finished.

More pictures and info to come!
« Last Edit: January 31, 2020, 11:34:00 AM by ForgottenTwoManhattans »


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Re: A tale of two Manhattans, and one first-time Kaiser owner...
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2020, 11:45:04 AM »
So, the trunk picture above shows the huge rat nest in the trunk. There was a tremendous amount of droppings in the wells on the sides as well. Very disgusting. The interior is no different. It's a shame too, as the interior looks like it was in fine shape when the car was parked all those years ago. This car will take a tremendous amount of cleaning, inside and out. I plan to tear it all down, bagging and tagging everything as I go.

Does anyone have any tips on how I might clean up and save the door panels, without ruining them? Since I don't imagine I will ever be able to find a good set of door panels to replace these, if there's any way to clean them I'd like to try. Same goes for the dash pad. I plan go reupholster the seats, replace the carpet and headliner and all that, but that's relative easy stuff.

First picture here is all the stuff that was in the interior.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2020, 11:55:09 AM by ForgottenTwoManhattans »


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Re: A tale of two Manhattans, and one first-time Kaiser owner...
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2020, 11:50:11 AM »
More pictures


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Re: A tale of two Manhattans, and one first-time Kaiser owner...
« Reply #13 on: January 31, 2020, 11:59:03 AM »
By the way, does anyone have any information on what these cars cost when they were new? Maybe even a breakdown of what various options cost, like the automatic transmission in my parts car?


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Re: A tale of two Manhattans, and one first-time Kaiser owner...
« Reply #14 on: January 31, 2020, 12:25:39 PM »
Interesting that you mention the greenish blue tint to the oil.  When I checked the oil on the 51 Deluxe I bought before test driving it, it also had a greenish blue tint.  Makes me wonder if it's something particular to these engines...

Have you joined the club yet?  I'm sure our club historian can give you all kinds of info on original costs, prices with options, etc.  Pretty sure I saw some of that info in some of the newsletters I've looked through...

Also, be sure to contact Larry Barker in AZ.  He has a couple dozen or so of various flavors of these cars, tons of parts...used, rebuilt and NOS.  :)
51 Kaiser Deluxe