Author Topic: Do Your Homework  (Read 740 times)


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Do Your Homework
« on: August 25, 2020, 06:13:09 AM »
This is aimed primarily at new KFOCI club members (and being a member of the Forum is NOT being a member of the KFOCI) and "guest  non-members" who use this vehicle to either buy or sell a car.

For decades now (boy does that make me feel old!) I have said that the newcomer should "do their homework" on these vehicles.  There is a lot of mis-information out there coupled with those who want to do a quick flip at a high profit.  Auction companies or Vintage car dealers rely on the information given to them by car owners who at times have no idea about their vehicles (such as in estate sales, when the family and/or executor of the estate have no clue when it comes to K-F or Willys products and don't care to know).  There are many good deals within the KFOCI (check out the for sale section of the KFOCI MONTHLY BULLETIN) and a number of these are from members who want to give their cars a good home. 

If you've found a car you are interested in, post something on the Forum with as many pictues as possible (interior shots, engine compartment shots and exterior shots along with photos of the door post serial number tags and the body tags on the engine compartment firewall, various locations depending on car make and year).  Someone here can tell you what's what with the car including plusses (certain items being in good condition, for example) and minus (degree of floor rot  for example). 

Any questions, need help?  Check out the section of the club website with key member information and contact someone local to you or the Club Historian.  We'll do what we can for you.