Author Topic: Shift linkage  (Read 1993 times)


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Shift linkage
« on: August 31, 2010, 10:59:45 PM »
I have a '51 Henry J Deluxe and I sometimes have a problem getting it to go in reverse properly. I have checked the connection to to the selecter arms at the transmission and they are solidly in the rubber gromets,and the linkage arms are not loose at the adjusting link at the top of the arms, I then went to the Manual and read the section on linkage adjustment. The manual says to take the cap off of the linkage box and insert Tool KF69 to center the cam inside. Not only do I not have that tool, I don't even know what it is. I found a picture of one in the back of the manual but it is difficult to tell what it is.
Does anyone know where I could find such a tool or is there something I could substitute or is there another way to make such an adjustment? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Don #10019
1951 Henry J Deluxe