Author Topic: Help a new Kaiser collector  (Read 1880 times)


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Help a new Kaiser collector
« on: October 20, 2013, 11:50:12 AM »
I meant to put this on the General Forum

I need your help. Really hoping the Kaiser/Frazer community can help me.
I have purchased a couple of Kaiser Dragons in the past year. One I am mostly done working on and one that needs a restoration. I did this to have some fun and honor my Father in Law who sold Kaisers back in day at NW Kaiser in Minneapolis.

I understand that this community is not fully thriving. Saw a recent example of this where a very nice Kaiser Dragon sold for about 9k. In order for the next generation (or two) to enjoy and appreciate these very cool cars THEY NEED TO BE SEEN and talked about.

I hope to show my Dragon(s) in the next few years at shows. I have always found that when I attend shows I gravitate towards cars that look great but have some sort of display that can be attractive.

My hope is to find as much Kaiser type memorabilia I can to display with my car to generate some interest.

I am looking for any of the “tins” as in the Kaiser protective materials. Signage too.

I have been able to find a few (see picture…you can see my very cool superbird in the background!).

Do you know of anyone who has these?


I have to say I have been hard at trying to find this type of thing and have only a couple of people seemingly willing to talk/email/help. John Hewlitt  needs to be called out as he has been a great help and actually willing to sell some items. I do pay just fine and am not looking for handouts.

Email, call, shout whatever it takes. Thanks  Rob L.


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Re: Help a new Kaiser collector
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2013, 12:03:57 PM »
Hello and glad to hear you're putting a few more KFs back on the road! About your comment regarding the community not fully thriving, this phenomenon is not peculiar to Kaiser and Frazer automobiles. Many clubs, including the venerable AACA have seen a drop in both membership and overall participation in the last few years. Much time can be spent debating why, but one thing is inevitable, unless we grab the attention of those who are still interested in our cars, (and not just KFs), we will continue to see a decline.

Now, about collecting items related to the cars, your best bet would be to advertise in our club bulletin. If you're not already a member, joining will open the doors to more than just this forum as a place to find those odds and ends you're after. Here's a link to the membership spot on our site ->

Seeing your Superbird makes me wish I'd have never sold my Hemi Road Runner...


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Re: Help a new Kaiser collector
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2013, 01:19:36 PM »
Hi Rob, I'm glad you posted this as  you just reminded me... I put my cars into storage for the winter and I forgot to take that Northwest Motors license frame off my '53 J.  I'll grab it next time I'm out to Jordan where I store them.
Here's what it looks like -

I don't recall if you mentioned when you needed it but let me know I'll make it work.
1953 Henry J Corsair Deluxe
Edgar Kaiser's custom 1951 Henry J
1951 Kaiser Special
1952 Allstate Deluxe

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Re: Help a new Kaiser collector
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2013, 03:17:10 PM »
There is all kinds of typical and not so typical items for sale on eBay.  I also have some duplicates.  If you get me a better idea of what specifically you want (ads, photos, literature, etc) and if you are shooting for a time period to start with, let me know & I can send a list with prices.


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Re: Help a new Kaiser collector
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2013, 08:34:40 PM »
thanks for the feedback so far.
I would love to have seen your Hemi Road superbird is not a Hemi but that is ok as i do drive it!
I do plan on placing an ad in the newsletter just have not done it yet.

As far as the hobby in decline. I do agree that "some" other areas of collecting might not be as strong as the past (I also collected pinball machines with over 100 of them and that market has gone very soft). I also love muscle cars and for the most part that part of the hobby is very strong and probably growing.

These old Kaisers can be real beauties so we need to get them out. It is self evident that to proliferate the Kaiser/Frazer community we have to find a way to display these orphans!!

Hope i can dig something up!!!
