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General Discussion / Manhatten windshield
« on: February 02, 2016, 09:18:41 PM »
I recently read a post from 2012 regarding used wind shields for a 53 manhatten. I think it was joe Frazer who responded that there were some good ones available. I am in Southern California, and if anybody knows of any good leads, I would appreciate knowing.

General Discussion / Re: Air vent duct
« on: November 08, 2015, 06:53:13 PM »
Thanks for the help. I ordered some from Bobs.

General Discussion / Re: Air vent duct
« on: November 08, 2015, 06:51:30 PM »
Thanks for the contact for Bobs automobilia.that is the perfect material. Don't know why it doesn't show in any of my searches.    Steve

General Discussion / Air vent duct
« on: November 04, 2015, 11:30:30 PM »
Does anybody have a source for the 5 inch flexible air duct for the vents on the 53 Manhatten? I haven't found anything online and Rudy doesn't know where to find it. I did find some very expensive black with a yellow stripe neoprene ducting, but I am hoping for another suggestion.      Steve Keiser

General Discussion / Air vent duct
« on: November 04, 2015, 10:35:42 PM »
Does anybody have a source for the 5 inch flexible air duct for the vents on the 53 Manhatten? I haven't found anything online and Rudy doesn't know where to find it. I did find some very expensive black with a yellow stripe neoprene ducting, but I am hoping for another suggestion.      Steve Keiser

General Discussion / Re: Hydramatic installation
« on: December 17, 2014, 01:15:06 AM »
Thanks for the responses. Yes it is going back in the car it came from. I also heard back from the shop that rebuilt the trans that there should be a bushing/spacer on the shaft and they are looking for it. If anybody has one in their garage, let me know. Thanks again.

General Discussion / Hydramatic installation
« on: December 13, 2014, 05:36:46 PM »
I am in the process of installing the hydramatic trans in my 53 manhatten. It has been a couple of years sinc I took it apart and I am trying to figure out what holds the pilot bearing in place in the flywheel. Is there a bushing on the shaft, or perhaps the edge is peened over , though I don't see any evidence of that. Any help will be appreciated.

General Discussion / 53 manhatten hood hinges
« on: August 27, 2014, 07:55:43 PM »
Before I disassembled my kaiser, the hood closer in a normal fashion. Now I am doing a pre assembly before paint, and when I mounted my hood, it would not close. The hinges were never removed from the firewall. The body was sandblasted, and I have blown out the hinges. I removed the hood and mounted a four foot 2x4 for leverage. It still would not move down and back, as it would when the hood closes. The only thing I could see was a little twist to one of the hinge arms as I tried to close it.i have not removed the hinges yet. The biggest mystery is why they would both fail or bind at the same time. Has anybody experienced this or have a solution?

Kaiser Forum / Re: Timing gears
« on: September 10, 2013, 08:24:47 PM »
I went back and moved it to 9 pins, and then rotated the crank until the timing marks were symmetrical with the curve of the gears. Now it looks ok at 9, but I sure don't want to get it wrong. Any body else have thoughts, or a definitive answer?

Kaiser Forum / Timing gears
« on: September 08, 2013, 08:35:40 PM »
Just started to assemble my 53 manhatten 226 engine. I am a little confused by the photo in the shop Manuel re. The timing gears. The photo says to have the timing marks 9 link pins apart. The photo appears to show the marks 10 pins apart. I would assume the text of 9 would take precedence ove the picture, but when the marks are 9 pins apart, they are not uniformly within the chain links. Any clarification would be appreciated. Critical to say the least.     Steve

General Discussion / Re: Wiring harness
« on: April 08, 2013, 11:50:13 PM »
Yes I do have the 51 shop Manuel and the 53 supplement which shows the headlight and parking lights as separate wires, but it seems like they may have been harnessed together from the junction block to  the point where they separate to their respective grommets. Are they seperate or together?

General Discussion / Interior light switches
« on: April 06, 2013, 08:18:46 PM »
I have not had much luck finding the plunger switch for the door jamb on the 53 manhatten.' was this a crossover part, used on other cars, or does anyone have a resource for these?

General Discussion / Wiring harness
« on: April 06, 2013, 07:55:36 PM »
In the 53 manhatten, are the wires for both the headlites, and the parking and turn signals bundled together in the same harness from the junction block, to where they separate to their respective lights, or are they separate.

General Discussion / Re: Engine color
« on: March 12, 2013, 10:35:43 PM »
Sorry to be dense, but how do I contact these two leads. I don't find them in the members list. Tried to google them with no luck. What am I missing?

General Discussion / Re: Engine color
« on: March 09, 2013, 11:24:33 AM »
Thanks for the lead to Gary Michanek. The car is a 53 manhatten. I was not able to find him in the members list. Does anyone have a contact number or email address. Thanks again for the lead.

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