I agree with the last posting from the PNW area, but there is a snag at the National level. Insurance companies, potential buyers (especially of the big $$$ types) and interested car owners look to the KFOCI as the authority on how close a K-F product is to original new condition. There are no factory archives to consult for such information and there is all too much mis-information written over the years about these cars (one "authorative book" even states that Lycoming engines were used in all Kaiser and Frazer cars!). The point score at National level judging is considered to be THE determining factor. As this will never change with time (unless someone digs out the landfill the stuff went to in the 1970's and everything is still intact) we, the membership, owe it to ourselves, future car owners and others who will come along years after the last of the people who remember these cars new is no longer around. This is why judging standards are necessary and that these standards be available to judges and members alike. Further, these standards should address not just details and specifications but how cars should be evaluated by judges to help owners and others restoring cars understand there is more to the process than the right upholstery material, tires, etc.
I will write more on this in the February 2010 issue of the Bulletin.
Jack Mueller Club Historian