Author Topic: A Challenge for the new KFOCI Officers  (Read 9625 times)


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A Challenge for the new KFOCI Officers
« on: July 15, 2013, 10:50:20 AM »
I think that whoever gets elected to what position at this year's National Convention should pause and reflect on their personal agenda's and concentrate on what's good for the club as a whole.  An example is membership itself.  Beginning in 2009, membership levels were tracked to monitor changes.  Those current members who died were not counted as a loss...only those who did not renew for other reasons.  Those who joined during the period were added to the counts.  At present, the NET LOSS of members since 2009 stands close to 1,000! 

The situation can be fixed and ideas on how to try and fix things have been put forward by various members but generally ignored by the membership.  If the trend downwards continues, we are not far from the point where the KFOCI will no longer be a viable organization.  I don't want that, and I hope that you don't want it either.  The new slate of officers will have to give this situation top priority in order to turn things around.   

Terry T

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Re: A Challenge for the new KFOCI Officers
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2013, 11:21:31 AM »
May I suggest that a new task be associated with the Secretary--"reponsibility for information input into this website" or something to that effect.
We can still have the current Webmaster for "programing" or whatever it is called, but we need someone to keep the info in the website current.


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Re: A Challenge for the new KFOCI Officers
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2013, 01:16:20 PM »
What sort of "information" do you mean, Terry?  Perhaps the better solution is for people to check out the Grand Schedule in the newsletter or set up something on the club web page listing upcoming events within the regions, divisions, regular activities with K-F tie in (like the GM Open House and old car show in August).


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Re: A Challenge for the new KFOCI Officers
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2013, 03:00:57 PM »
As car clubs...or any organization with a discovering, their website plays an increasingly important role in the overall success of the group. As members join from locations not conducive to attending local shows or national meets, the website is integral to their maintaining contact with the core org. The KFOCI website has grown over the years from its beginning as a static site that offered alot to read but not much to do, to today's where members can I'm doing right now. And, I know our webmaster has been thinking of new designs for our pages as well.

I absolutely agree with the comments posted, the concentration needs to be put forth to grow the club. I know car clubs in general are losing members due to age, other interests, etc, but I see no reason why we cannot increase our membership year over year. Doing so, however, will take effort on everyone's part. If you're showing your car, have membership blanks placed nearby, talk about the club to others you know who collect vintage vehicles, and overall be an ambassador for the club. Of course, it'll take more than that...advertising, publications folks want to read (we have that now!), and a membership full of great friends all must contribute to the overall success of the club.

My top 4 agenda items would be:
1. Stabilize the membership numbers.
2. Reinstate the club magazine.
3. Enhance the website.
4. Judging.

I invite comments.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 03:04:29 PM by joefrazer »

Terry T

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Re: A Challenge for the new KFOCI Officers
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2013, 07:02:06 PM »
Since this site is not for Members only, KF enthusiasts goto this site for info but updated info is not available, eg, details about the upcoming National.


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Re: A Challenge for the new KFOCI Officers
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2013, 07:20:56 PM »
The Quarterly has always been a top notch publication but it is now down to two issues a year.  The web site is fine too but I feel that the Bulletin has become the most important means of communication we have and it's quality has improved year after year.  We are so lucky to have such talented members providing  first class publications in a very timely manner..  The Bulletin has all of the information we need for future meets and notifications, ads, Kaiser-Frazer history and lore as well as how to contact the club officers and how to join us all in a new format every month.  Not many clubs our size have such fine publications and if you get the Bulletin on line it comes a little earlier and it contains much color.  I hope that you are all considering switching to the on line Bulletins.  It will save our club much money in printing and postage costs.
Member #3151 Since June 1974
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'47 Graham Paige Frazer                                   
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Re: A Challenge for the new KFOCI Officers
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2013, 05:26:44 PM »
Since this site is not for Members only, KF enthusiasts goto this site for info but updated info is not available, eg, details about the upcoming National.

Terry, please clarify ... it seems you suggesting that the forum replace the Bulletin (maybe Quarterly's too??) as the place for disseminating all club info. If so, what is your rationale? Non-members would have no reason to join & members would no reason to renew if everything was available here for free. A sure (financial) death for the club.
Barbara Mueller
1952 Henry J Corsair deLuxe
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Terry T

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Re: A Challenge for the new KFOCI Officers
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2013, 05:53:39 PM »
I am in no way suggesting that or anything like that.

For example:

To clarify get calls from nonmembers looking for info about our club activities.
They would like to know about events that the club puts on so that they can go and see first hand if they want to join.
The "calendar" in this website does not contain enough about our planned activities.
Previous comments stated that the Bulletin contains a lot of Indore, but that doesn't help the potential new members.

I am reacting to input from these potential new members.

Additionally, some members of the Darrin Registry are not club member's is not a requirement.  This has been addressed in previous Forum threads.
Although they use the Forum, they do not know about the various events.

Having a complete and detailed calendar will help many people.

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Re: A Challenge for the new KFOCI Officers
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2013, 06:39:10 PM »
Additionally, some members of the Darrin Registry are not club member's is not a requirement.  This has been addressed in previous Forum threads. Although they use the Forum, they do not know about the various events.

Terry, are you still doing a Darrin newsletter? If so, include meet info there. Or, better yet ~ if they want club news & want to attend club events, encourage them to join the club.
Barbara Mueller
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Re: A Challenge for the new KFOCI Officers
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2013, 06:54:53 PM »
So far, we are all talking about what to do. That is a good sign that there is still plenty of life left in this club.

The most important thing I can think of, and Terry pointed this out, the club events calendar on the website MUST be kept absolutely current so that non-members and members alike can be reminded of activities to participate in. The newsbulletin editor has all that info and the webmaster must be either kept updated on all events by the editor or else the editor must have access to the events calendar on the website to keep it updated. By "updated" I mean listing the date(s) of the event, the location, a brief description of what will take place and contact information (phone number and e-mail) for whoever is in charge of the event.
Rick Kamen
KFOCI LM4314 since 1979
Willys Aero Survival Count
1954 Willys Aero Eagle "Old Toby"
1964 Ford Econoline panel van
Once owned 11 other Willys Aeros and a Willys wagon, 2 Kaisers, 1 Henry J, plus Studebakers, Hudsons, a Nash and others.

Terry T

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Re: A Challenge for the new KFOCI Officers
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2013, 05:56:02 AM »
It appears that Rick "gets it"--THANKS

As far as encouraging Membership, I do what I can but some have been members in the past and have dropped out for various reasons. This, again, has been discussed in previous threads.

Our judging procedures, or lack there of, have caused some to shun joining the club but they would still like to enjoy a meet.


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Re: A Challenge for the new KFOCI Officers
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2013, 09:42:22 AM »
You guys may have hit upon a reason as to why KFOCI meets are at times not well attended.  As long as I have been in the club, it is THE MEET OR EVENT PEOPLE who have to notify various parties to get their event promoted.  This not only includes notifying the Bulletin Editor and whoever maintains the schedule on the website, but places like HEMMINGS, OLD CARS WEEKLY and local or regional newspapers.  If you want to reach people not in the club, the old car publications or your area news media can reach the public and if they are interested they will come.  Be sure to indicate best days/times to see cars, etc.  It is important (very important) to make certain cars are displayed during the days/times you give.  If someone comes by to see cars or talk to people while everyone (or just about everyone) is off touring something, having lunch offsite, etc, there will be little or nothing for them to see and it can give the impression that the club is a bust.

Remember, if it's a slow news day in the area where a meet is held, the broadcast news media may come out to do something for filler.  Another reason for best days/times.  If they come out and don't find anyone around you will never see them or hear from them again.

Bottom line:  Always have your Hospitality Room staffed with knowledgeable people, have signs out in the parking area directing people, and make sure you always have some photogenic type cars around.    If we tell a good story about the value and history of our cars as well as parts availability & costs, we have a chance to capture some new members.


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Re: A Challenge for the new KFOCI Officers
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2013, 10:15:00 AM »
The Quarterly has always been a top notch publication but it is now down to two issues a year.  The web site is fine too but I feel that the Bulletin has become the most important means of communication we have and it's quality has improved year after year.   I hope that you are all considering switching to the on line Bulletins.  It will save our club much money in printing and postage costs.

Good points.  I only received 1 Quarterly in my year of membership.  I was really looking forward to it.  I liked getting calendar and so when I only received one Quarterly, I figured maybe "Quarterly" meant something else, such as that is what KF Publications put out years ago and so the name is used but it has nothing to do with coming out 4 times per year!

When I reup for membership I will opt for e-newsletters.  BUT - again, most clubs have older members that want tangible stuff in their hands and may not know how to navigate through an e-newsletter.  I prefer paper because I can easily sip a beverage while reading a periodical. 

So, if e-newsletter usage is up, then that savings ought to be put back into "the Quarterlys" and getting the version 5.0 CD out.     
No old cars owned.

Terry T

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Re: A Challenge for the new KFOCI Officers
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2013, 10:48:20 AM »
Another chore for one of the officers or an appointed person would be to notify certain publications about our events.

Dick Weidinger has informed Hemmings Old Car about several of our events.
I think that is the first time that I have known that to happen.

He took it upon himself to do that.


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Re: A Challenge for the new KFOCI Officers
« Reply #14 on: July 17, 2013, 10:59:51 AM »
I agree, and noted that the KF National Meet received a write up in Hemmings Classic Car magazine
No old cars owned.