As car clubs...or any organization with a discovering, their website plays an increasingly important role in the overall success of the group. As members join from locations not conducive to attending local shows or national meets, the website is integral to their maintaining contact with the core org. The KFOCI website has grown over the years from its beginning as a static site that offered alot to read but not much to do, to today's where members can I'm doing right now. And, I know our webmaster has been thinking of new designs for our pages as well.
I absolutely agree with the comments posted, the concentration needs to be put forth to grow the club. I know car clubs in general are losing members due to age, other interests, etc, but I see no reason why we cannot increase our membership year over year. Doing so, however, will take effort on everyone's part. If you're showing your car, have membership blanks placed nearby, talk about the club to others you know who collect vintage vehicles, and overall be an ambassador for the club. Of course, it'll take more than that...advertising, publications folks want to read (we have that now!), and a membership full of great friends all must contribute to the overall success of the club.
My top 4 agenda items would be:
1. Stabilize the membership numbers.
2. Reinstate the club magazine.
3. Enhance the website.
4. Judging.
I invite comments.