I wasn't going to comment on this thread, since to me this is a KFOCI decision, and I am not a member of KFOCI. But, I do look at this forum each day, and occasionally post when I feel I can add value, so decided to provide input from an 'outsider'.
I fully understand the issues related to paying for all the expenses of a national club, including the costs of a website. I frequent this forum because I do have an interest in K-F and Kaiser-Willys products, and would like to have an Aero Willys one day. I learn a lot from this forum, and want to keep accessing this forum, so I have no issue joining as an Associate Member. Even if I only accessed the forum once a week, that's only 10 cents each time (or 20 cents if cost goes to $10). No big deal in my mind, what I receive from this forum far outweighs a few bucks a year.